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500 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by MAXX Tech – 124gr FMJ for sale


500 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by MAXX Tech – 124gr FMJ for sale

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1000 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by Wolf Performance (Steel Case) – 115gr FMJ for sale


This 9mm cartridge passes Bates’ test because its shell casing is made of steel rather than costlier brass. It still performs marvelously in a semi-automatic thanks to Wolf’s proprietary acrylic-polymer coating, a material that manages to facilitate both feeding and ejection but without leaving an ugly amount of residue in its wake.

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1000 Rounds of 9mm Ammo by Wolf Performance (Steel Case) – 115gr FMJ for sale


British actor Alan Bates once said “You’ve got to have steel in you somewhere.” Was he talking about a man’s character? Or was he talking about affordable ammunition? Probably the latter — British actors are well known for frequently commenting on ammunition.

This 9mm cartridge passes Bates’ test because its shell casing is made of steel rather than costlier brass. It still performs marvelously in a semi-automatic thanks to Wolf’s proprietary acrylic-polymer coating, a material that manages to facilitate both feeding and ejection but without leaving an ugly amount of residue in its wake. This round’s Berdan primer serves as an additional reason why you won’t be reloading this ammo, but if you didn’t intend to reload anyway that’s hardly a glowing downside.

This cartridge features a 115 grain projectile. People often favor that lightweight bullet for personal protection, so this round will give you realistic feedback on how your self-defense load will behave. The FMJ bullet is far more cost-effective for training than any JHP could be as well.

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity – 1,000 rounds per case; 50 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer – Wolf
Projectiles – 115 grain full metal jacket (FMJ)
Ammo Casings – Berdan-primed steel


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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.

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